Monday, March 1, 2010

i'm only making $4 an hour...

So, this has kind of become a "dining awareness" blog. I don't mean to come off as whiny, but there are just some things that diners don't know. However, I know there are times when servers really are just bad. We'll get to that eventually.

I was the closer on Saturday night. For the Irish Democrat, this means staying until 2 AM. By the time I got done with all of my closing duties (washing coffee pots, wiping down trays, flipping chairs, combining "marrying" ketchups, turning off tvs...) it was 3 AM. Now, I'm not complaining because I definitely made some good money.

The whole night was nonstop! My section was pretty much full the entire night. It's stressful, because sometimes I need a break to get my head together but it makes the time fly.

Now, my "tip" for today is if you're at the bar waiting for a table (by the way, you can still eat at a table in the bar...), do NOT transfer your tab to your server. If I'm waiting on you and bringing you drinks, at least leave me something! I mean, think about it: you're taking up one of my tables and I'm waiting on you, and you're going to transfer your tab to the person that's going to serve you food, leaving me nothing? Not fair. I'm only making $4.35 an hour. That's $3 less than minimum wage in Iowa! In Kansas, where I'm originally from, servers only make $2.13 an hour! Just a dollar or two would suffice; it's not much for you, but it definitely adds up for me, especially if I'm as busy like I was on Saturday night.

After this kept happening, I told a couple that they had to cash out their tab with me before moving to a table in the back. They seemed okay with it, and I was proud of my genius plan. All of the sudden, I look at their table and they're gone. I found them in a small booth and brought them their tab, hoping I'd get a couple of bucks out of the deal. What did they leave me? Nothing. Clearly they missed the point. Obviously, the only reason I wanted them to cash out with me was for their tip. Duh.

Hey a couple of bucks goes a long way!!


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